The complete interpretation guide for the Tarot de Marseille

The tarot de Marseille card: The Wheel of Fortune

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<p class=The Wheel of Fortune is the tenth card in the tarot de Marseille.

She is one of major arcana.

Hidden Symbols of the Wheel of Fortune card

Summary of symbols Wheel of Fortune: existence, fortune, movement, yin and yang, alternation, ascent, fall.

The Wheel of Fortune card inspired by the vision described in the bookEzekiel : “Four wheels of fire and strange animals gathered in groups of four”.
The wheel symbol was very common in medieval iconography. It represented the universal cyclical rhythms, the alternation of day and night, the phases of the Moon, the movement of the planets, etc …

Wheel was also used as instrument of torture to extort confessions from the days of old.

The winged and crowned monkey and the other two figures (the first descendant and the second ascendant) represent the rise and fall.

The circular movement represents becoming, change, union between opposites.

Red, blue, green and yellow are the symbols of Fire, Air, Earth and Water.

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<h2>Message of the Wheel of Fortune card</h2>
<p><strong>The Wheel of Fortune</strong>, associated with the number <strong>ten</strong>, represents the tenth house in astrology, and therefore <strong>in the middle of the sky</strong>. It represents the objectives, the ambitions of an individual as well as his real <strong>possibilities of realization</strong>.</p>
<p class=The Wheel of Fortune corresponds:

* At 10.
* With the Hebrew letter yod.
* At the sefira Malcut, the world, the reign, the will, the realization.
* At 10, which is, in astrology, the tenth house and therefore the middle of the sky.
* At Karma.


Season: Winter.

Month : January.

Day of the week : Saturday.

Zodiac signs : Virgo and Capricorn.

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Forecast duration

Card deadlines can be a few days or four months, or even a year.


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