The complete interpretation guide for the Tarot de Marseille

The tarot de Marseille card: The Chariot

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<p class=The Chariot is the seventh card of the tarot de Marseille.
He is one of major arcana.

Hidden symbols of the Chariot card

Summary of symbols du Chariot: material achievement, triumph, victory, royalty, guide.

The driver seems to triumph while traveling the world. He holds the scepter of order thanks to which he captures energies of the cosmos. He guides his cart with ease and assurance.

His crown refers to the image of an emperor, and means that the driver wields power rightly.

His red breastplate protects him from material temptations. The Red is representative of struggle and action.

Four columns green and yellow support the canopy under which the driver is located. Blue chlamydia is opposed to it. The blue refers to the mixture of intellect and spirituality of the character.

His two yellow epaulettes look like half-moons. They represent the sublunary world, that is to say the emotions and instincts that the driver has mastered.

His vest is laced so as to recall the Masonic square, symbol of universal order.

The three precious stones on its crown represent the spirit, the body and the soul that the driver of the cart tries to reconcile and synthesize.

Number seven to which it is associated corresponds to the completeness, to the totality: the 7 days of the week, the seven virtues, the seven vices, the seven musical notes, the seven colors of the rainbow, the seven known planets in ancient astrology (before the discovery of Uranus)

The two horses and the image of the king refer to the image of the triangle: the 3.

The 3, added to the 4 (of the four columns of the canopy) = seven.

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<h2>Message from the Cart card</h2>
<p>The driver has a<strong> great insurance</strong> and gets straight to the point. He is not distracted by promising deviations and does not get lost in the <strong>sterile mysticism</strong>. He has the temperament of a Roman warrior and his chariot is the stuff of the triumphal chariot.</p>
<p>He fought and defeated <strong>all the obstacles in its path</strong>, even if they seemed insurmountable. The truck driver does not aspire to <strong>material power</strong>, but for moral improvement. Its purpose is to reconcile mind, body and soul.</p>
<p class=The Chariot corresponds:

* At 7.
* To the personification of the sun (the driver).
* AT Osiris.
* AT Surya.
* AT Helios.
* AT Netsah, will escape triumph and victory.
* AT Zain, letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Indeed, the Sun fights every day against the demons of darkness and destroys them.


Time of year : autumn.
: December.
Day of the week : Tuesday Thursday.
Zodiac signs : Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius.


The Chariot is associated with: abroad, distant lands, colonies, the faculty of languages ​​and philosophy, import-export offices, airports, gymnasiums, sports fields.

Forecast duration

The effect of the card is quick: a week or two maximum.

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