The complete interpretation guide for the Tarot de Marseille

Interpretation of the card: the Fool

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Interpretation from the Fool card (arcana n°0).

At the location

In general.

The Fool in the place refers to free will. It represents the unexpected, the energy, the enthusiasm and the impulsivity.
Behind his carelessness and innocence, his ideas are brilliant and his intuition is very strong.

Affective plan.

The Fool announces, on the spot, a new adventure. This relationship will be one of freedom and joy. The two lovers will be autonomous.

Professional plan.

The Fool in the place foreshadows the plan for a better job. He also announces trips and contracts decided on impulse.

Financial plan.

Arcana # 0 predicts companies that are very well found. New initiatives are to be encouraged. Also, it is very likely that the consultant will receive an inheritance.

Physical plane.

The Fool in the place announces slight discomfort. Nothing alarming since it will not affect the consultant’s psychophysical balance.

Upside down

In general.

The Fool upside down does not bode well. It represents chaos, flight, abandonment and doubts. The consultant is entering a period of his life full of fear, hesitation and fear. This is due to a lack of maturity and an existential crisis. Whatever the consultant undertakes is likely to be difficult and lost in advance.

Affective plan.

The Fool represents unrequited love. He predicts jealousies, betrayals and dramas. Family and marital tensions will be provoked because a lack of communication will be felt.
A violent breakup caused by the fear of committing is not to be denied. The consultant or his / her partner will voluntarily flee towards emotional loneliness.

Professional plan.

The Fool announces the sudden breach of a contract, the bankruptcy of a company. It sows inconsistency and danger. Tip: Don’t do anything important.

Financial plan.

Watch your finances when the Fool is upside down! This mystery attracts questionable and illegal means of earning money. Advice: resist and stay on the right path.

Physical plane.

The Fool unbalances the consultant. It presages stress, madness, obsessions, dark ideas (depression, suicide). It is also associated with headaches and toothaches.
Sexual annoyances are announced by the Fool: premature ejaculation, diseases of the testicles, uterus, vagina … If the consultant is a pregnant woman, know that the Fool does not announce anything good. Complications, even an abortion are to be expected.
Poisoning and poisoning are also associated with the Fool upside down.

In summary

If the Fool in the place is a omen of luck, the Fool upside down is on the contrary bad luck and unhappiness embodied.

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