The complete interpretation guide for the Tarot de Marseille

Interpretation of the card: Temperance

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Interpretation of the card: temperence (arcana n ° 14).

At the location

In general.

The Temperance card represents, in place, serenity, reflection, tolerance, fidelity.
Arcanum No. 14 represents a loved and esteemed person. He is a calm person, who can sometimes be unpredictable and eccentric. A priest, an explorer, a journalist, a therapist, a publicist, an IT expert can be represented by Temperance.

Affective plan.

The consultant’s emotional plan is not a problem. Harmony and stability reign in the couple of the consultant. The two partners communicate easily, are happy spiritually and personally. They are loyal to each other and are dedicated.

Professional plan.

The consultant’s project is carried to completion in the greatest happiness. All the conditions are favorable and met for new businesses. The consultant can flourish in creative, technical, liberal or public professions related to electricity, air, space, railways, cars, planes and / or IT.

Financial plan.

The consultant will have to be careful with the management of his business. He will have to reduce his expenses.

Physical plane.

The consultant’s psychophysical balance is perfect. Its capacity for self-healing is at its maximum.

Upside down

In general.

Temperance upside down represents aridity, coldness, frustration. It represents a person are the balance is missing. She is apathetic, too cautious or on the contrary too light, fickle. We cannot trust her.

Affective plan.

Temperance upside down announces an unhappy or at least unhealthy relationship. Tensions and misunderstandings reign in the couple. There is incompatibility of partners.

Professional plan.

The professional retraining of the consultant will fail. His projects are bogged down and his initiatives are blocked.

Financial plan.

The consultant’s financial affairs are suddenly broken. There is a conflict of interest.

Physical plane.

Uneasiness is generalized: nervous disorders appear, obsessions take place. Circulatory problems and swelling of the ankles are to be expected.
The consultant should pay attention to skin allergies.

In summary

Temperance is sweeter upside down than upside down.


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