The complete interpretation guide for the Tarot de Marseille

Interpretation of the card: Judgment

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Interpretation of the card: the Judgment (arcana n° 20).


In general.

Judgment in place is associated with heavenly protection. It is associated with victory, success, rapid and positive transformation. Arcana n°20 represents a severe and impartial individual. It may seem abrupt but it stimulates and has real magnetic power.

Affective plan.

The Judgment in Place announces a new love, love at first sight. The consultant will take a decisive turn in his love life. An unexpected change of partner is very likely.

Professional plan.

The consultant’s position or salary may change permanently, for better or for worse. The consultant can expect to rediscover old buried projects or discover a new talent to exploit.

Financial plan.

The consultant’s business will be completed. He’s going to solve a material problem.

Physical plane.

The consultant can expect an unexpected and resolving turning point in the course of an illness, a rapid recovery. His health can be restored thanks to pranotherapy, acupuncture and / or shiatsu.

Upside down

In general.

The upside-down judgment card represents frustration, tension, questioning, difficulties in renewing oneself.

Affective plan.

The Judgment Upside Down announces the crisis in the couple, the loss of affection and the divorce.

Professional plan.

The consultant will face big problems in his work. There will be many disappointments and disputes: he will have to know how to protect himself.

Financial plan.

Losses, thefts and unreliable contracts will increase.

Physical plane.

The consultant will be in poor health. Exhaustion, nervousness and alcohol or drug abuse are the main causes of his illnesses.

In summary

Arcana n°20 is easier to live upside down than upside down.

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